Essay On The Freedom Ride

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Fighting for freedom and privileges is not a crime, it’s more of a “taking it in your own hands” situation but it’s also a accomplishment. The Freedom riders did just that; a activist group who is targeted for being opposite and fighting for equality along with fighting against segregation. James Zwerg and John Lewis were two of the most iconic members of the Freedom Rides during the 1960’s. Both of the two men came from different conditions, one living in a downgraded shack to a three story house. Zwerg (white) came from a wealthy family who never had to deal with harsh conditions or poor living. He had a dad who was in the military service, a mom who seemed to always be there, and a brother who was a little older than him. Lewis (black)…show more content…
The Freedom Rides tested a 1960 decision by the Supreme Court in Boynton, Virginia that segregation of interstate transportation facilities, including bus terminals, was unconstitutional as well. Riders would travel to the American South where segregation continued to occur. They attempted to use white only restrooms, lunch counters, and waiting rooms. These leaders were the embodiment of equality as the people of the United States to leave an impact on the world. The ever increasing need for equality manifested through these people, opening the gateway to change and equal rights for everyone. on July 2 1964 the Jim Crow segregation law was finally abolished by President Lyndon Johnson; he also signed the civil rights act the same year of 1964. It invoked the commerce clause, outlawing discrimination in public accomodations. The voting rights act followed in 1965; finally and efficiently giving black people the right to vote. Though it wasn’t that easy, white folks were not letting it go that easy, they were still disrespecting black people and treating them like the law was never abolished. It was around the late 1970s when white people were giving the black some room to breathe. John Baxter Taylor Jr. was the first black male to be in the olympics. He was an american track and field athlete from November 3, 1882 to December 2, 1908. Baxter was also the first black person to be a winning gold

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