Nobility In Beowulf

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Christian Franco English IV Honors 3rd Period 29 september 2014 Beowulf: Master of the Virtues To be justifiably categorized as a hero, different qualities and characteristics come to ones mind; many of which are subjective and unable to be feasibly adapted by a wide audience. That is only the case with ordinary heroes and is quiet the contrary for the larger than life epic hero Beowulf beautifully depicts. To formally and respectfully do the character justice we have to look at the poems’ Pagan Christian influence, which affects the characters morality and ethical values Beowulf intends to deliver to its wide spectrum of an audience (Beowulf). The virtues exerted by an epic hero are what give that hero their much-deserved title. Beowulf…show more content…
The importance of nobility is that because Beowulf is an epic hero he must exhibit an honorable and noble birth. He comes from a noble family and people recognize that. As Wulfgar is introducing his lord he states “To tell you that he knows of your noble birth” (43). This demonstrates that even the great king Hrothgar knows of Beowulf and his “noble birth”, but in reality what is a noble birth? In a literal sense it means Beowulf is connected by blood to royal people in his kingdom. In a deeper sense it makes all of your ancestors past achievements and successes fall on you. Beowulf is meant to be above regular men, to soar in intellect, and have incredible strength; he is historically bonded by the chains of epic heroism and without a doubt, put on this earth to serve the greater good. All because of his nobility, which established his status years before he was even born. To have nobility is to be great from the moment you are conceived to the moment of your death, and Beowulf’s life is in fact representative to…show more content…
The way he talks, fights, leads all represent his courage and we can see this throughout the poem, but in the realm of epic heroes courage can be viewed a bit differently. I believe the courage Beowulf shows is not that he fights these loathsome beasts; it is how he does it. From the very beginning Beowulf says, “The monster’s scorn of men is so great that he needs no weapons and fears none. Nor will I.” (44). This simple statement suddenly becomes a reality when he realizes “If weapons were useless he’d use his hands, the strength in his fingers” (54). Beowulf is shedding his outer exterior, his weapons and armor, and is fighting purely with his god-like body. This cannot be said for the normal hero, only for the courageous epic heroes that posses these heavenly attributes. Beowulf takes courage to the next level and links it psychologically and physically, entering a state of purity with his mind and body; mending it together to achieve his almost impossible task and that takes real

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