Kennings In Beowulf Essay

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From the rise of the Danish nation to death of Beowulf, a tragic hero who has fought in three epic battles, such battles allow readers to visualize a powerful warrior. In Beowulf, readers are introduced to three monsters: Grendel, Grendel’s mother, and the dragon. These monsters play a major role in Beowulf’s life; they are against the pre-Christian heroic code—a code that is respected by the people of Denmark. Throughout the course of this paper, readers will get the opportunity to learn that the kennings presented in Beowulf are used to describe the monsters and the wrongdoings that they committed against the pre-Christian heroic code and how the monsters play a major role in Beowulf’s life. In Beowulf, Grendel is portrayed as a powerful demon—who is offended with the Christian Fellowship that is taking place in the Heorot Hall. King Hrothgar and his warriors are praising and talking about the story of creation—by listening and having loud conversations with one another. The block quotation below describes Grendel’s reaction to fellowship: Then a powerful demon, a prowler through the dark, Nursed a hard grievance. It harrowed him to hear the din of the loud banquet every day in the hall, the harp being struck and the…show more content…
The kennings enable to readers to understand how the monsters play a major role in Beowulf’s life—through his three epic battles. Beowulf went from battle hero to a tragic hero. A tragic hero who has defend his people in Geats and the people in Denmark and their pre-Christian heroic code. Life is one long journey filled with mysteries—that consist of triumphs and hardships. Nevertheless, such successes and failures allow human beings to leave behind an admirable legacy. Therefore, readers are able to argue that Beowulf left behind a marvelous legacy—that the citizens and warriors of Denmark and Geats will never forget

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