August Wilson Interview Essay

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Beyond the Paris Review Interview of August Wilson Frederick August Kittel, commonly referred to as August Wilson wrote the Pulitzer Prize and Tony Award winning play, Fences. Fences can be summarized that the main character, Troy, is brawling between himself, his family, and his financial issues. During Wilson’s interview with The Paris Review, the interview asks the question: “If you had to construct an imaginary playwright, with what qualities would you endow him or her? (The Paris Review 13)” Wilson responded with honesty, being able to accomplish great art, craft, and ambition. Wilson notes that all of these characteristics are very crucial for his imaginary playwright. Honesty is not a trait you’re born with or develop, you only earn…show more content…
Creativity is the start of everything. Giving a character creativity is basically giving them a foundation, similar to a wood foundation and cement bottom of a house. Creativity allows someone to “shout or whisper as they chose.” Having or knowing well developed communication skills are key. August Wilson shows great amount of craft in Fences when Cory refuses Troy’s orders to not go to football practice and work at the A&P instead. This is a sign of both communication and “shouting and whispering”. The final quality that Wilson states an imaginary character of his own would have is ambition. Ambition is having determination of doing something through a great amount work and dedication. In any of Wilson’s plays, it resembles a story or life event that he encountered. August wrote Fences because he has an African-American background that came from his mother. In the playwright, Fences, Troy has a problem of not being able to drive the garbage truck. Troy worked with hard dedication to argue to who he cannot drive the

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