'No Banquo In Shakespeare's Macbeth'

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Banquo or No Banquo In The Tragedy of Macbeth, a character named Banquo was murdered by his supposed best friend, Macbeth, in the suspicion that Banquo would take Macbeth’s throne as king of Scotland. It is argued whether or not Banquo should come back as a ghost to haunt Macbeth. Banquo’s ghost plays a huge part on the development of the play as it progresses. Banquo’s ghost helps the audience comprehend the situation Macbeth is put under. It helps portray Macbeth’s downfall as a tragic hero, and is very important for the plot development because of the witches’ part in the play later on. Banquo’s ghost should be seen on stage. In the scene where Banquo’s ghost appears, the audience is aware of the ghost’s presence, but the rest of the characters are not, except for Macbeth. The characters in this…show more content…
If Banquo’s ghost was to not appear on stage, the audience would have no idea that the witches were responsible. This scene is important to the plot because it helps foreshadow that the witches will come back again. Without Banquo’s ghost, this scene of the witches and Hecate conversing would not be included and the plot would be drastically changed. In order for the witches to play a part in the plot later on, Banquo’s ghost must be on stage to show the audience that the witches are behind the madness of Macbeth. It is argued that Banquo’s ghost should not be seen on stage because it leads the audience to think Macbeth is going crazy. If Banquo’s ghost was not seen on stage, the audience would not understand the exact reason behind Macbeth’s madness and the plot would turn out differently. Banquo’s ghost plays a big part in foreshadowing what is to come. It also is important in directly informing the audience of what is going on. This dramatic irony that occurs between the audience and Macbeth adds to the stress of the situation and is necessary in order to fulfill the whole
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