Nike's Women Problem Summary

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In the article, “Nikes Women Problem” published by The New York Times on November 21, 2011 by Timothy Egan, the decision by Nike to keep men under their label is discussed in relation to a sexual assault by their own Ben Roethlisberger. Roethlisberger was nearly charged in the sexual assault of a woman in a club bathroom. Roethlisberger was not charged, but only because of the mediocre work of the police officers, as they glorified the celebrity athlete. This man is only free of contempt because of his ability to entertain us on Sundays. The NFL on the other hand suspended him for 6 games, and required Roethlisberger to attend counseling, as well as being dropped from his contract with Bens Beef Jerky. For a Company that supports driven women athletes, Nike does not seem to respect them. These polar messages convey that it is okay for a man to devalue a woman as long as he makes Nike money. This article only hits the tip of the ice burg on the treatment of women within sports in America. Male athletes are given more opportunities than women in the sports world, just based on their “superior” gender. Despite some progress,…show more content…
According to Forbes Online, the highest paid female athlete is tennis player Maria Sharapova, who made $29 million in earnings from prize money, endorsements, and appearance fees between 2012 and 2013. However this is relatively small compared to Tiger woods, who is the world’s top paid athlete with $70 million in earnings. According to date from the Center for American Progress, the gap in pay between these men and women athletes is even higher than the workers of the United States, in which women earn just 77 cent for every dollar that is earned by men. Not only do these women athletes experience inequality in pay, but they also susceptible to a different side of social

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