China In Modern-Day Time In The Karate Kid

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The setting in the movie, The Karate Kid, is in Beijing, China, in modern-day time. Dre Parker ( The Karate Kid ) moves to China and he encounters a girl he likes named Mei Ying and a bully named Cheng. References made to the language used, restaurants, Chinese writing, cell phones and electronics in the movie point to China in modern-day time. Dre Parker moves to Beijing, China, because his mother had a job offer there. When Dre goes to the park, he encounters a girl playing the violin and he cannot take his eyes off her because he has adoration for her. While they were conversing, Cheng, the antagonist, comes in and intervenes in their conversation and beats Dre up. China in modern-day time is an adventurous setting for an action movie.

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