Chasing Chaos Analysis

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Former South African President and anti-apartheid revolutionary Nelson Mandela once stated, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” In today’s society, education is seen as a gateway to opportunity. It can drive people out of poverty, despair, and hopelessness. It can bring people a new life and show them many new things. In Jessica Alexander’s book Chasing Chaos, she deals with many areas of the world that are constantly embattled by poverty, wretchedness, and emergencies such as a post civil war embattled Darfur, an earthquake ridden Haiti, and a tsunami-soaked Sri Lanka. In all of these cases, refugees are taken completely out of their comfort zone and their lives are flipped upside down. Their parents…show more content…
In some areas, it is strong and holds utmost importance, while in some areas it is not utilized the best way that it could be. The biggest challenge in refugee education is dealing with the lack of funding and resources. In their world-wide investigation of refugee camps, Bartlett and Ghaffar-Kucher, authors of Refugees, Immigrants, and Education in the Global South, observe problems with the education system, "Students have limited options within camps of choosing between schools, and, once they complete lower school levels, only a small proportion may be able to access higher education because there are few tertiary institutions available to refugees,” (Bartlett and Ghaffar-Kucher, 137). For these refugees, the time and effort put into schooling ends up not benefitting them due to the difficulty of continuing their education. Continually in their investigation, Bartlett and Ghaffar-Kucher explained, “First, inherent in the nature of the refugee experience is the fact that camp residents come from an educational system that differs from the host country, in terms of accreditation, curriculum, and, frequently, language (as cited in Zeus, 2011). These strong differences in the education system offer difficulties for an already tough adjustment to refugee life. Obviously, schooling in the camps is not like a public school in the United States, there is no central curriculum or process that is followed in every refugee camp. These differences prove to be extremely challenging to get used to, especially if there is a language barrier for the student to overcome if they are from an outside

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