Narrative Essay On Working For Free

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“Working for free? Who would be crazy enough to do work for free?” I thought to myself as my friend asked me if I wanted to go volunteering with him over the summer. Growing up in New York, I was brought up to lock my doors, not to trust or help anyone on the streets and watch my back, even in broad daylight. Who had the time to help others, especially for free? In my mind, I used to think of volunteering as maybe a one-time thing, helping out at a soup kitchen, cleaning up a park or being lifeguard for a day at a local swimming pool. But what I’ve come to realize is that it is really much more than that. It is about making a meaningful difference in the lives of others, and my own. It makes me more aware of the world and opens me up to new experiences. At least that’s what I've taken from it. Over the past summer, I got involved with Brooklyn Chinese-American Association and their Summer Camp Program. I was skeptical at first, but my friend convinced me to join. On my first day, I did not know what to expect and was, I admit, a little bit unsure.…show more content…
My job was to help them with class activities given to them by the camp counselors and to just spend quality time with them. I can honestly say that I have never met such eager and friendly little kids. I was afraid they were going to be annoying and hard to deal with, but as I walked into the classroom, they welcomed me almost instantly, and I felt right at home. If I remember clearly, there were at least five different kids, who ran right up to me within a minute of my arrival asking me how their artwork was, to read a book to them, or to play with
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