Reflection On A Clinical At Clark Summit

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This semester I have clinical at Clark Summit with adults. I really enjoy doing clinical at Clark Summit. The facility is really great and the people are so welcoming. My client is so much fun to work with and she makes each week exciting. For this today’s session I tried something new. My client loves to play bingo so I created a bingo game with songs and instruments. My client would pick out of a bag a number; whatever number she picked was the song and instrument she would play. I felt it went pretty well for the first time trying it. Some areas that I felt were strong in with session were facial/vocal expression, feeling more relaxed, and connecting with my client. The areas I felt weren’t strong in today’s session were transitions, structure of the bingo game and guitar. The areas I felt were strong in session were facial/vocal expression, feeling more relaxed, and connecting…show more content…
My guitar skills in today’s session weren’t as good because of the weather changing my fingers where in a lot of pain towards the end of the session so my playing wasn’t as quick as it normally is. Another area I felt wasn’t strong was my transitions. I felt there wasn’t really any. After each song I would have my client pick a new number and then we would jump into that. At times I would talk to her about the song, if she new it or remembered it. I feel for next week I will work better on transitions more before the new songs start. Lastly, I would like to improve the structure of the bingo game. I felt it went better then I thought it would have but I would like to improve it by different patterns when playing the songs so she can do something different with the instruments or do more fill in the blanks to see if she can put the words together in the songs. Over all having clinical at Clark Summit has been wonderful and I feel each week it gets better and better with my

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