A Rose For Emily Rhetorical Analysis

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Kristina Valdez David Pineda ENH 110 03 November 2015 A Summary in Williams Faulkner’s “A Rose for Emily” It is often common that stories follow a chronological order. The idea of chronology helps the reader to discern between time and the events that play out; leading from basic introduction of a story to its finale. However, the rules of chronology are not set in stone. This is apparent in Willian Faulkner’s story “A Rose for Emily”. Much of this accredited literary work depends on Faulkner’s seemingly chaotic time line in which events play, the narrator of the story itself and the character development of Emily. This leaves the reader slightly pulled from side to side trying to discern the overall plot. Yet, despite the non-conventional methods of “A Rose for Emily”, it is these same non-conventional methods that entice the reader to think more outside the box to find their own conclusion in this classic short story. Part of the story’s enticement is the actual narrator of the story itself. It is held as first person telling the events that played out; and not in the linear manner that most story tellers would unfold. Coe College Hall Professor Terry Heller states that “more recently flourishing…show more content…
From the first sentence introducing Emily’s death to the back and forth timelines of Emily’s behavior and the towns personal relationship with her, it is hard to determine the series of events that led up to the body found in Emily’s house when she dies. There is only the tale of what the town sees looking into Emily’s personal life and the events that took shape long before her death and throughout her life. Part of the breadth in her story is the narrator depicting over the years Emily’s strange behavior. One doesn’t really come to a conclusion of who Emily is and why there is another dead body in her house, other than her mysterious estranged behavior and her short term love interest in

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