Mia Hamm's Soccer

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Mia Hamm taught many women and girls that by working hard and believing in themselves they can pursue their dreams. Mia fell in love with the game soccer. She worked hard and thrived to be the best of the best in soccer. People that have never watched soccer made it a point to watch Mia play her sport. Drawn to soccer at a young age, Mia Hamm popularized the sport, and went on to become one of the best women’s soccer player in the world. Mia was destined to play soccer from the beginning. She always watched her siblings play soccer and other sports. Her mom enrolled her in a ballet class because girls’ sports were not popular at that time. The only hobbies many young girls had were ballet and dance class. Mia quit after the first class because…show more content…
“By the time the Olympics started, the whole world knew who Mia was – even fans who never watched a soccer game had her of her” (Rutledge 36). The United States won all their games and they were heading to the final. The stadium was filled with United States fans. “In the final against China, more than 75,000 packed the stadium to watch the United States win the gold medal – a far cry from 500 – or – so spectators who used to turn up for their matches when Mia first joined” (36). The United States fought hard and was leading by one goal. The final moments arrived in the match and Mia got hurt, but that didn’t stop her from continuing. After a long and tough battle the United States won 2-1. The United States won the final and received the gold medal in 1996. Mia was named U.S soccer athlete of the year for the third time. In 2004 the United States returned to the Olympics and went all the way to the final with Brazil. The United States won 5-0 against Brazil and received the gold medal. That was the second time Mia Hamm won the Olympic gold medal for soccer. “Hamm officially retired on December 8, 2004. She leaves behind a legacy that includes two World Cup victories, two Olympic gold medals, and countless records in international soccer” (Christopher 149). Mia played a big role in expanding and popularizing women sport’s in general that she is considered a legend. Coach Dorrance states,” I think she is our most important female athlete ever” (Longman). Mia had a very successful soccer career and till this day she is known as the best women’s soccer player in the history of women’s

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