Lord Of The Flies Conch Analysis

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Different people have different Symbols that portray their power. Policemen have their badges and knights have their sword and armor. Lord of the flies revolves greatly around the possession of power and how displaying it and using it can be very different. The conch in Lord of the flies is used as a symbol to show power and its condition mimics that of the amount of order amongst the boys. Whichever one of the boys holds the conch has the most power, without it you do not have permission to speak or give orders. When it is not present, there is no order. This shell holds more symbolism and power than one might think. Throughout Lord of the flies the conch is tossed around between multiple people, temporarily giving them power. It is established very early in the story that this shell will be a symbol of power. “Let him be chief with the trumpet thing!” (19 Golding). After the first meeting between the boys, it is determined that Ralph be chief. This is largely because in that moment he was holding the conch. Just from holding the shell, Ralph is given authority, showing truly how much influence it possess. In this early stage of the book there is…show more content…
This split shows the decline in power that the conch possess and the loss of order. Jack and his “choir boys” care not for shelter, getting rescued or discipline, but are focused on killing. This desire to kill is the demise of any sense of civilization that the boys had. Knowing that order no longer exists, Ralph refuses to blow the conch as nobody will listen. Blowing it with no response would prove to all the boys how little authority Ralph has and would further diminish his influence towards the group. “If I blow the conch and they don’t come back; then we’ve had it. We shan’t keep the fire going. We’ll be like animals. We’ll never be rescued.” (99 Golding). The conch’s loss of influence can be translated directly to structure amongst the boys
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