Meningitis Research Paper

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Meningitis is a rare infection that affects the delicate membranes called meninges, that covers the brain and spinal cord. Just about anyone can develop the different types of meningitis ranging from infants to adults. Although it is most common in children under the age of 5, teenagers and young adults age 16-25, and adults over age 55. It is most common for people with certain types of medical conditions to develop meningitis because of their irregular immune systems. There are a lot of types of meningitis followed by the symptoms, causes, and treatments. There are several different types of meningitis starting with Viral Meningitis, which is less severe and most people recover completely. Viral Meningitis is the most common form of all of them, but its not the less serious. It is triggered by a number of viruses that can cause diarrhea. Secondly there is Fungal Meningitis that occurs in people with weakened immune systems, it is very rare in healthy people. People that have impaired immune systems such as a person with AIDS, is more likely to become diagnosed with his type of meningitis. Thirdly there is Bacterial Meningitis which is an extremely serious illness that requires immediate…show more content…
These infections may begin some where else in the body such as the ears or influenced by sinuses. The least popular causes of Meningitis are fungal infections, medications, and autoimmune disorders. The different types of Meningitis may have different causes for instance Viral Meningitis is very different; it is influenced from Herpes simplex virus 1 and 2 of the mouth. Fungal Meningitis is very rare because its not really contagious. It is caused by having a weak immune system, people who are already ailed are most likely to become infected with his disease. Bacterial Meningitis is caused by different reasons depending on the ages of people. Infants are much more likely to become diagnosed with

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