Meaning Of Jesus Code

383 Words2 Pages {Jesus shot not out any penis tip due too His Codes} I have My reasons, which can be called My code of thinking, besides any Bible Codes. Joseph had already sinned is one reason and Mary had not accomplished any immorality up to that point, but she broke the moral law much later. Her sins are not significant enough for Me to list since she is forgiven and had consequences for her wickedness on earth. Some traitorously teach that I would have been born into sin. Nonetheless, that is not true seeing as how I will never sin. John was filled with My Holy Spirit in his mother's womb, yet he sinned later, and I have never sinned and I never will sin. Everyone else was filled with My Holy Spirit while in their mothers' wombs—is not so (other than the only Spirit in My Jesus' fleshly body in Whom I dwelled Is God the Holy Spirit).…show more content… {you may call Jesus God the Holy Spirit Booga Booga} I joke around in various ways. However, as for calling Me Booga Booga, that in general is not acceptable. If Booga were the only word a person knew and they meant Me, then that would be okay. I do not prefer Booga Booga for a Name, yet It is amusing in some
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