Limbo Dante's Inferno

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Everyone dies. It is not a question of how, or when, but rather; what comes next. Many different people located around the world have different views and beliefs of what happens after we die. From the University of Virginia, Ian Stevenson, was an expert, “The Hindus from Asia believe in reincarnation. In this description of death the life force is conserved from one host and distributed into a new form that begins another life, directly after death.” Similarly, the ancient Greek and Romans had a similar story. After death, all souls travel to the underworld and drink from the river of forgetfulness. Then, these souls live another life with no memory of the previous. In the modern understanding of life after death, most people would say one’s…show more content…
In this circle of hell a never lifting fog suffocates all who are sentenced. Those that are not baptized, or lived before the time of Christ, or were never taught about Christianity are doomed to suffer in limbo. Although many deem this circle of hell to be the least extreme, or nicest, are simply ignoring the bigger picture. Hell is a place to be punished for sins. “Sinners” in limbo never knew about sin, and never had a chance to end up anywhere else. It almost as if they are found guilty of a crime before the crime was even invented. In American politics this would be a type of entrapment, and is even protected against in the constitution. The argument boils down to whether or not denying Christ is the same thing as never hearing his name to begin with. Paul H. Robinson from the Westview Press notes, “The authors compare lay intuitions and code provisions on such questions as the justified use of force, insanity, causation, complicity, risk-creation, omission liability, culpability requirements, duress, entrapment, multiple offenses, and criminalization matters such as felony murder and sexual offenses. Many important differences between legal code and community views are found, and the authors discuss the implications of those differences.” Ultimately the views of a collective group—Christians—may differ from the actual binding law—limbo—in such a way to propel a seemingly moot point into a more…show more content…
From one of—if not—the most opposing pieces of work to Dante, the Satanic Bible, “If all parties involved are mature adults who willingly take full responsibility for their actions and voluntarily engage in a given form of sexual expression - even if it is generally considered taboo - then there is no reason for them to repress their sexual inclinations. If you are aware of all the implications, advantages, and disadvantages, and are certain your actions will hurt no one who does not wish or deserve to be hurt, you have no cause to suppress your sexual preferences.” Not only is it completely unjustified to condemn normal people to damnation for expressing their natural selves, but to have the punishment of braving eternal storms is one of the worst in the book. Dante tries to justify the violent winds by stating, “Fitting because this is how one would imagine life being if one lived purely off of emotions, uncontrolled, never settled.” But his logic has a few gaps. The punishment is a destructive force of Mother Nature—keep this in mind. The sin is in Dante’s words an emotion. Meaning, these two are completely antonymous to each other in divine right of being. Furthermore, if one is to say—as I have—that these emotions are a part of the natural self, then one must compare the attributes between the two. As stated before, the punishment is destructive and the sin is

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