Mass Effects In Modern Life, 1925

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Mass effects In Modern Life, 1925 According to Churchill, who was the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1940 to 1945, the modern world is characterized by “enormous processes of collectivization”. The word collectivization or collectivism means, “A political or economic theory supporting collective control over production and distribution with an emphasis on collective rather than individual action” (Merriam-Webster Dictionary.) In the modern world there is mass production, and there are huge numbers of companies to meet people’s needs. People can buy what they want from different places not just domestic products. Also, population growth marked a basic point for mass production. In previous centuries, people’s needs were limited, for their number was not as huge as modern world; the population growth of 20th century has been explosive as human number has been quadrupled. Modern world is better than previous eras in the world history because of increasing in standards of life obtained through cheaper products, and getting better job opportunities.…show more content…
He says that the number of individuals and independent people who led some standing of their own is decreasing. Furthermore, diversity is lost because things are available everywhere. For example, in previous centuries, spice in Asia was a unique product that characterized that continent, but in modern world it is available almost in every country. Individuals who want to do their own business will be crushed by those huge companies. Another point that can be seen as a negative impact of mass production is the loss of the craft production that marked the history. People no longer do products by their hands they depend on machines. For instance, pottery and inscription which in previous centuries were used to record the history of a nation, such as the Epic of Gilgamesh, who was the king of Uruk, and he was searching for

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