Mary Shelley's 'Sudden Change In Frankenstein'

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Freshman Comp. Period 5 Ting Ting Chen 5262 Sudden Change In Mary Shelley’s horrific novel Frankenstein, the main character, Victor Frankenstein, experienced a substantial amount of change after the creation of his creature. Subsequent to the death of his wife, Elizabeth, Frankenstein faced a depressing turn, “Nothing is so painful to the human mind as a great and sudden change” (146). The death of his spouse was so overwhelming to Frankenstein that he became emotionally distraught. The feelings of change that Victor Frankenstein experienced connects to the viewpoints of countless individuals, and makes it easy to relate to him. I, too, have succumbed to the impact of unexpected change. Last year, my best friend Eriona and I were laughing in the hallways while taking pictures for the yearbook. A visiting alumna, who happened to have passed by us, scornfully asked, “Why are you laughing? You’re in school.” At the time, I remember thinking to myself “She’s probably in a bad mood today. Maybe she’s just a pessimist.” Now, however, I can relate to how…show more content…
I countlessly snapped at people for no reason. I pushed away the people that were closest to me because I didn’t want to become too attached. I felt as if there was no point in trying to remain close to someone, only to face four years of separation which would then only result in pain. Perhaps it was the wave of nostalgia that I felt when I was flipping through the pages of my autograph book, or the sentimentality of the days I’ve spent there, but a few days ago I visited my old school and I finally could empathize with Frankenstein. I realized that nothing in McAuliffe changed. It was the same small school, with the same teachers, and most importantly, the same loving atmosphere. Rather, it was my mindset that had changed. Previously, it pained me to go to a new school, and to have to make new friends. Now, I see it as a fresh

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