Marx And Weber Case Study

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Anel Hernandez Sociology 15th February, 2016 Section A: #2 What is the place of Marx, Durkheim, and Weber in the development of sociology? Give an overview of each of their perspective. Use at least two sources to support your work. The philosophies of Karl Marx have persuaded many sociologists. Marx relied on the concept of class conflict, he believed that society is composed of two social classes, the capitalists and the working class (workers who are exploited). He believed that these two social classes were the foundation of the conflict perspective, according to Marx, the class conflict was the fundamental key to human history. He believes that these two types of classes are natural enemies. Marx also believed that if the working…show more content…
Also, include relevant examples of how modern societies can use their views to effect change. Use at least two sources to support your work. Marx and Weber share the opinion that persons have become more experts in their work. In Marx's philosophy, this knowledge is associated to the division of labor needed for a well-organized capitalist economy, this leads to the employee's hostility from their work. This hostility lays the basis for the battle between workers and capitalists and then leads eventually to Marx’s arguments, about the revolution and the termination of the entire capitalist organization. When Weber debates specialization, it is in the perspective of bureaucracy, which depends on employees who have special knowledge or qualification for the labor they perform. According to Weber's theory, this skill does not lead to the kind of existing hostility that Marx illustrates, but relatively to the extension of reasonably planned action. For Weber, specialization in the workstation is not the cause for revolution which will lead to the completion of capitalism; in contrast, it is the ways by which capitalism survives. Possibly this difference is associated to the modifications in Marx's and Weber's understandings of the…show more content…
Both respect historical perspectives when making their statements and use historical illustrations to explain their theories. For instance, both Marx and Weber see the growth of industry as a condition of the occurrences they describe, such as Marx's capitalism and Weber's bureaucracy. Another example, is that Weber draws relations between the rise of Calvinism and modern capitalism. Weber, however, is more careful generally than Marx in his enthusiasm to make forecasts for the

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