Marcus Rediker

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Marcus Rediker is a fantastic writer and this really shows in his book Villians of All Nations: Atlantic Pirates in the Golden Age. From the start Rediker uses the story of a famous Pirate named William Fly and his court trial with a famous man named Cotton Mather. He starts the his interpretation of what was really happening with pirates by using the story of William Fly, an outlaw and his opposite, Cotton Mather, a lawful man that ultimately executed Fly. He uses this story to show how the terror of piracy coincided with the terror of the nation-state. The modern reader will find themselves enthused with this style of introducing his thesis by using this dramatic story of a pirates trial in a New England community. After the initial introduction with the story of Mather and Fly he moves into the subject explaining just who the pirates were from a demographic standpoint. He seemingly focuses on race as being a bigger subject of piracy. He notes that the pirate culture was one of great diversity united by a common bond to resist the oppressive governments they often came from. Rediker briefly mentions the African crewmembers that often inhabited as much as half of a captains crew. Some were free and some were slaves but all were important and were…show more content…
The following chapter goes over pirates and their world of justice and deciding of punishments. The past three chapters have delved into the social world of Pirates and what their economic motivations were in the world. After Rediker discusses the social world of pirates he moves into the gender of pirates and of two women pirates in specific. Rediker covers both Anne Bonny and Mary Read. Rediker intertwines the culture and politics of the 17th and 18th century in context with gender and the roles these female pirates played within that

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