Epictetus Advices Analysis

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Again, some of Epictetus’s commendable advices include not losing ourselves in pleasure and enjoyment, to be conscious about the consequences even while enjoying a happy moment (White 24). Although it can be difficult to always bear the thought of consequences on mind, nevertheless, it is a praiseworthy attribute to possess. In addition, Epictetus advises to follow a certain pattern of life, and the advices included not to shout and “laugh a great deal or at a great many things unrestrainedly”, not use swear words and foul languages or to skip the possessions which are only for luxury or maintain status in the society (22). Epictetus also discouraged disproportionate eating or exercise, but to invest time in improving “faculty of judgments”…show more content…
Showing pride and bragging is never considered as a good attribute. On the other hand, humbleness is always considered as noble virtue. However, sometimes there is a fine line between being humble and showing off too much modesty. Moreover, sometimes humility can also be mistaken as lack of confidence or knowledge. Additionally, Epictetus also said in the Handbook, “If people think you amount to something, distrust yourself” (White 15). If a stoic has to live by these principles throughout the life, then the possibilities of a damage of self-confidence and self-respect cannot disregard. Besides, Epictetus also said, “… when we are thwarted or upset or distressed, let us never blame someone else but rather ourselves, that is, our own judgments” (White 13). Self-criticism may lead to better decision makings, so evaluations of own judgments can be very beneficial, although it should be done only when necessary. Otherwise, it can also lead to demoralizing and creating lack of confidence in own judgments. Hence, the necessity of always distrusting and blaming “ourselves” as per Epictetus’s advice is

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