Marcus Luttrell's Lone Survivor

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Lone Survivor is a true story about Operation Redwing and the lost heros of SEAL team 10. This a very great book and i would recommend it to anybody. The book teaches a great moral story about never giving up and keep going. The book was made into a movie a couple of years ago, but i haven't seen it. This book is very sad but also very inspirational and probably one of the best books I've ever read. It begins with Marcus Luttrell's sign up of the navy and leads through a short period of basic training. The book then tells about "Hell Week" which is probably the hardest training in the military. It tells readers about Luttrell's experiences, difficulties, and accomplishments. Then he goes through Demolitions, Tactics training, and Sniper School. Marcus went through hell and back to be a Navy SEAL, but he did it.…show more content…
This eventually leads into the primary mission of the book, Operation Redwing. A Taliban leader and associate of Osama Bin Laden is their target. It was up to Luttrell and his men to capture or kill him. This obviously was not an easy task. On June 27th, 2005 Marcus Luttrell, Danny Dietz, Michael Murphy, and Matthew Axelson dropped out of a helicopter in Afghanistan to take out their target. They had worries of the terrain and lack of cover. The SEALS realized that they were in any snipers worst nightmare. So they began to backtrack to find better cover and terrain. After a while they found a couple of trees to take cover in for a while, or until given the order to kill. After hiding out for a while, a few goat herders walk up on the the SEALS, causing them to make a difficult decision. They knew that if they let them go that they would more than likely go and tell the Taliban where they were. If they were to kill them they would face moral issues. The media would also find out and make the news world wide. The SEALs decided to let the herders go and fall further back up the

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