Langston Hughes Dbq Analysis

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Back in the 1920s, the majority of the population in the United States believed that the American Dream was impossible to accomplish. They thought that they couldn’t achieve their own dream because of what position they stood in society. Some didn’t even have the equal amount of chances as others did. Therefore, they were losing hope and started to back down on what they wanted in life. But if they didn’t just give up on their dream, they could’ve accomplished what they were chasing after. Hope isn’t just there for the sake of it. It exists because you want something in life. Our society wants to be certain that it can achieve anything that it wishes for. Though still today, individuals lack the courage to hope for something they want. For example, source A, (Passage: Of Mice & Men, by John Steinback.) the narrator in the passage is confident in letting their dream go to success, whereas source B, (Poem: A Dream Deferred, by Langston Hughes) the individual is extremely lacking of confidence and determination of achieving their goal. Both sources contrast each other in the same way our society still does today.…show more content…
They looked at one another, amazed. This thing they had never really believed in was coming true. George said reverently, “Jesus Christ! I bet we could swing her.” His eyes were full of wonder. “I bet we could swing her,” he repeated softly.” source A, (Passage: Of Mice & Men, by John Steinback.) states. The “outcasts” in the passage are truly strong-minded about making their dream come true. They have faith and hope that their fantasy will come in to realism. Just like source A, source C, (Video: “I have a Dream”) is firm to make their dream a success. Both sources show that they have true courage to make their wish into a

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