The Blue Sweater: The Importance Of Optimism

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Has anyone taken time to imagine how a person can grow fast in a tickle of eye? Jacqueline Novogratz, the author of The Blue Sweater, in chapter 7 and 8 talks about her transformations in life. There were many similarities between younger and older Jacqueline; however, the two most important resemblances among them was their optimistic to do something, their willingness of trusting people. One important similarity was their optimistic to do something. Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence. The early years of Novogratz, she saw the gap between poor and rich in Rwanda. Novogratz then created a micro finance bank called duterimbere which allowed the poor in the society…show more content…
Trust indicates a willingness to become vulnerable to another based on confident positive expectations of the other’s conduct. In the latter days of young Jacqueline, she realized that a huge sum of money was missing in the company that she helped build for the poor people. Agnes was a highly respected person in the society, and all signatures were all done by her. Some people from the company forged the signature of the director. They called an unarranged board meeting regarding the missing money. “We decided that we would never know who actually stole the money, but that Agnes, as director, must be held accountable, at least internally” (71).likewise, the older Jacqueline, found it difficult of trusting people because she experienced one before. When she back to Rwanda, she rented an apartment which had two bedrooms. She then hired the man to guard the house for her .she later found out that some of valuable stuffs (clothing, jewelries) were missed from the apartment. She then confronted the man, which the man’s name was innocent, and sacked him from her house and told him never to step foot in the place again. The young Jacqueline as while as the old Jacqueline both had the same thing in

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