Major Components Of Virtualization

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Virtualization means to create a virtual version of a device or resource, such as a server, storage device, network or even an operating system where the framework divides the resource into one or more execution environments. Virtualization began in the 1960s, as a method of logically dividing the system resources provided by mainframe computers between different applications. Since then, the meaning of the term has broadened. Cloud computing is a type of computing that relies on sharing computing resources rather than having local servers or personal devices to handle applications. Cloud computing is comparable to grid computing, a type of computing where unused processing cycles of all computers in a network are harnesses to solve problems…show more content…
To understand cloud computing it is important to understand the concepts like network virtualization or storage virtualization. The main components of virtualization in the cloud are virtual machines, because all of the operating systems and applications are inside them. They are like a container which isolated and separated from each other, even in the same physical host. Based on the basic role of cloud as-pay-you-go, the vendors give you that ability to access these provided virtual machines and in some cases they will make these virtual machines like an actual computer and you can purchase them for a limited time and take advantage of this ability without any worries about how they operate. That thing you are purchasing is the availability of these services. Vendors in exchange promise to give you these services without any interrupt that make the availability in high…show more content…
In essence, in all cases, a resource actually emulates or imitates another resource. Here are some examples: • Virtual memory: Disks have a lot more space than memory. PCs can use virtual memory to borrow extra memory from the hard disk. Although virtual disks are slower than real memory, if managed right, the substitution works surprisingly well. • Software: There is virtualization software available that can emulate an entire computer, which means 1 computer can perform as though it were actually 20 computers. Using this kind of software you might be able to move from a data center with thousands of servers to one that supports as few as a couple of hundred. To manage the various aspects of virtualization in cloud computing most companies use hypervisors. Because in cloud computing you need to support many different operating environments, the hypervisor becomes an ideal delivery mechanism by allowing you to show the same application on lots of different systems. Because hypervisors can load multiple operating systems, they are a very practical way of getting things virtualized quickly and

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