Injuries To The Skeletal System: A Case Study

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Injuries to the Skeletal System The skeletal system is the body’s framework. It is composed of 206 bones connected to tendons and ligaments, allowing movement. It is the internal structure that encompasses all soft organs, providing them with protection and support (Marieb, 2003). Although bones can withstand a strong impact, they are still susceptible to breaks and fractures. This will focus on an open fractures that has occurred during a hike, causing injury to the right leg and the physical and mental effects it can have on a person, as well as required treatment and healing process for restoring the bone and homeostasis. An open fracture occurs when a broken bone penetrates the skin, exposing the bone resulting in the body's homeostasis…show more content…
A medical professional will conduct an assessment of the patient. Checking for vital signs, other injuries if patient needs to be stabilized (AAOS, 2011). The older one gets, the thinner and weaker their bones become, thus skeletal injuries will occur easier (Marieb, 2003). The medical professional will need information on how the fracture occurred, if patient is taking any medication or has other medical problems before examining fracture. X-rays, blood and urine samples will be taken to determine general health, fracture complexity, and amount of bone fragments (AAOS, 2011). Debridement and irrigation are essential to prevent risk of…show more content…
The wound is then washed and irrigated with saline. Depending on injury, surgery may be required to secure and reposition bone with pins, rods or wires. These fixings may be internal or external. From here the healing process can begin. Following surgery, a cast or traction is applied, immobilizing the affected bone, preventing deformities to occur during the recovery process. Generally, six to eight weeks are required to complete the healing process (AAOS, 2011). Since bones are made of living cells they can produce cells and rebuild the gap in the fracture. Bone healing/repair has four stages. Firstly, as the bone breaks, blood vessels rupture forming a blood filled swelling called haematoma. Nutrition deprived bone cells terminate, then a splint forms in the break called fibrocartilage callus. This allows the growth of new capillaries into the clotted blood, disposing of dead tissue. A callus made of spongy bone will progressively replace fibrocartilage. Over following months due to mechanical stresses, the bony callus is reformed into strong permanent patch (Marieb, 2003). Upon the removal of the cast, one may need physiotherapy to strengthen and rebuild muscles and/ or

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