Ludwig Van Beethoven's Deafness

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Ludwig Van Beethoven is one of history’s most well-known composers. Born in Bonn, Germany to a musical family, Beethoven’s talent started out at a young age. He composed several great works, but over time he acquired symptoms of hearing loss. Beethoven’s deafness affected his music little by little over time. Deafness not only had some psychological effects but it caused him to choose notes of a lower frequency. He was also able to hear mid tones with his inner ear. Beethoven’s early years were difficult. Born in 1770, his father noticed his talent early on and forced Beethoven to practice long hours to nurture it (Harrison 598). This may have shaped him into the stubborn, determined man later in life. He worked as a chapel organist and studied under Haydn until 1792 when he moved to Vienna (Harrison 598). After 5 years “he became a virtuoso” (Harrison 598). During this time, he gave some advice to Cipriani Potter to never “write in a room with a piano in case he was tempted to consult it, but…show more content…
More than once I have cursed the latter for exposing his creatures to the slightest accident, so that often the loveliest blossoms are destroyed and broken by it. You must be told that the finest part of me, my hearing, has greatly deteriorated. Already then, at the time you were still with me, I felt signs of this and kept quiet about it: Now it has grown progressively worse…” (Harrison 598-599). Prior to this he did not acknowledge his condition because he was afraid to be ridiculed or rejected and at times was immensely depressed. Beethoven wrote some of his finest compositions between fits of depression. His worst fit was in 1801 where he contemplated suicide in Heiligenstadt, but accepted being deaf forever. After which his most creative time of 5 years happened (Harrison

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