Code Of The Streets, By Charis Kubrin Essay

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Charis Kubrin, a sociologist from George Washington University, in her research essay Gangstas, Thugs, and Hustlas: Identity and the Code of the Street ,in Rap Music, reveals how music influences individuals social norms. Rap lyrics describes a code for inner city black youth that justifies violence, evidently through social structural conditions and social identity. Kubrin believes that violence, sexual promiscuity and material wealth are necessary for survival in inner city black communities. The degrading of minorities impact and limit opportunity to join the mainstream culture. Associating this with rappers goes to show the structure of their environment. As some inner cities are largely comprised of people impacted by poverty, the structural condition become the material for their expression. As some inner cities are largely comprised of people impacted by poverty, the structural condition become the material for their expression. Rap lyrics describes a street code that justifies…show more content…
Evidently there’s beliefs behind what influences the way that rap lyrics is perpetrated. And in the case of Kubrin it's proven that crime and the violence surrounding these writers in urban communities is the greatest factors when assessing the nature of ¨Gangsta Rap¨. Furthermore surroundings influences individual´s social norms which is defined in their rap.These influences of your environment and how it's reflected in rap lyrics. And backs up the claim that Rap itself influences individuals social norms that structural adaptations embody a street code. These adaptations help to create an interpretive environment where violence is accountable or simply becomes a normative approach. Kubrin purpose for utilizing this source is for the justification that it provides of how raps lyrics correlates with individuals social

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