How Does Charlotte Bronte Use Religion In Jane Eyre

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In Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre, Bertha is contrasted with Jane to show what Jane’s life would have been like if she had not met Helen Burns. Prior to meeting Helen, Jane had bad examples of Christianity and believed in retaliating to those who wronged her. Helen was the first true Christian in Jane’s life, living by the ideals and not just labeling herself as one. Jane was amazed at how Helen lived and sought her out in curiosity. Helen introduced her to what Christianity really was, changing Jane’s life. Without her introduction to the faith by Helen, Jane would have lived a life like Bertha. In the beginning of the novel, Jane lives with the Reeds and is consistently poorly treated. She believes that if others wrong her she should wrong them back. The peak of her retribution occurs when she yells at Mrs. Reed, feeling exhilarating while doing so stating “Ere I had finished this reply, my soul began to expand, to exult, with the strangest sense of freedom, of triumph, I ever felt. It seemed as if an invisible…show more content…
If she wants Jane can marry Rochester and become his mistress. Jane knows that what she is doing in the eyes of God is a sin. Staying true to her faith, Jane leaves knowing that “There was a heaven — a temporary heaven — in this room for me” but she had to leave to make it to an eternal heaven. The consequences of what would have happened if Jane was not introduced to Helen, did not grow in her faith and immorally married Rochester are present in Bertha. Bertha has no faith. Bertha is wronged by those who are supposed to love her. Bertha is driven mad, and is unable to let go of the anger the marriage brought her. Bertha retaliated against those who wrong her for her whole life. Bertha’s life ends in self destruction. Just as easily if Jane did not meet Helen, she would live a life of hate after being wronged by those who are supposed to love

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