Odysseus Lack Of Knowledge In Homer's Odyssey

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We all live in the same world. We all have to get by certain struggles that the world has to throw at us. It can be overwhelming sometimes. So overwhelming that it could cloud your judgment. Maybe even make you believe that you might actually be alone in this world. I myself have felt as though I was alone in this world. I always thought to myself, “Why me? Why does it seem like I am always having to deal with so many problems?” For example, in high school I had a lot on my plate that I had to worry about. I worried about my family’s income, my aspirations, pleasing others, etc. Although, through out all my experience dealing with my personal problems, I’ve come to realize that I wasn’t really alone. There were others out there that…show more content…
It is pretty difficult to attain all the knowledge that is out there, but that doesn’t stop us from seeking this knowledge. In the epic poetry, The Odyssey, Odysseus is a great example of an individual who seeks knowledge. Homer started The Odyssey off with the opening “Many the men whose cities he saw, whose ways he learned.” It is easy to tell that Odysseus had that thirst for knowledge. Odysseus learned the ways of many people. He even learns the ways of the strange beings, the Cyclops. When Odysseus reaches the land of the Cyclops he says that he wanted to "try and find out who these men are". He wanted to know others who were different from him, others who live through different culture. Because of his willingness to seek knowledge and know the ways of other cultures he was able to reach his native…show more content…
In Odysseus case he learned from a culture different from his own to help him guide certain decision he had to make through out his life. Culture plays a significant role in everyone’s life, but the effect that it has on one person could be totally different from another. In “The Book of Job” Job’s friends seek to help Job, but in the end they only ridicule him. Being that both Job and his friends come from the same culture, they couldn’t really give him the kind of insight he has been looking for. The two pieces of literature above give readers insight on how cultures have helped certain characters in the works, but that’s not the only ways pieces of literature project the values of culture. In the short story “How Much Land Does A Man Need?” Leo Tolstoy shows to the world through his story the history of Russia and the kind of certain morals that were establish in Russia. Tolstoy lived in Russia for most his life. For a long time it was a norm that peasants were to be “dirt poor”. Owning land was not an option for peasants for the longest time. Once they were given the right to own land they used the newfound ability as mush as possible. Just like Pakhom. The short story also touches on ethnocentrism. Pakhom’s wife and his sister in law start to talk about the similarities between peasants to that of a townsperson. Pakhom himself then compares his life in comparison of other peasants. Which in turn depicts cultural

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