Lord Of The Flies Civilization Vs Savagery

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The Lord of the Flies has a main conflict between two different human characteristics: civilization and savagery. This conflict is what the book revolves around as young, disciplined English boys are exposed to a wild lifestyle in a jungle on a stranded island. A major scene that has helped to develop this theme takes place in chapter 9. Simon, all beat up, finds himself staggering towards a hill, and discovers a dead body tangled in a parachute. He makes his way to the rest of the boys to reveal the “beast” they feared as harmless. The others are having a great time at Jack’s feast, eating abundant amounts of food with painted faces like savages. Jack is giving commands, acting as if he were king and the rest of them were servants. All of…show more content…
Since it is dark outside, the boys mistake him as the beast they have feared. The chanting had only riled them up and they violently attack, killing Simon in the process. The storm causes the boys to back away while also blowing the other “beast” (the dead man in the parachute) out of the tree. They soon realize that they killed one of their own, in an animalistic way. This scene is significant to the telling of the story because it’s like the final link to civilization was lost. The boys of the island transformed from a well-behaved group to murderous monsters. Life on the island was being stripped down of any sophistication, and killing Simon was just another part of sanity they lost. Piggy’s glasses change at the same time the boys do. In the beginning, they represent knowledge. He knows things the others don’t, such as the necessity for order. Piggy’s glasses become his greatest asset: without them, he’s useless. When his glasses break, it shows how the society has broke and just how far the boys are from civilization. Simon mentions on page 195, that the beast is “only us”. The beast is a representation of evil and fear: the fear of the unknown and the evil inside of
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