Looking Into Latase Lab

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Looking Into Lactase Purpose Why am I doing this lab? What am I trying to find out? The purpose of this lab was to see in which environments (temperature and pH levels), the Lactex® tablet would be effective (if at all). In the first section the purpose of the lab was to discover what type of milks the three milks were. The experiment is done on cow milk, rice milk, and soy milk. The importance of the next section was to see the effectiveness of the tablet in different pH levels. The second section was to test to see what foods and/or drinks it could be effective against. The last section was to see what temperature foods Lactex® could be taken with (i.e. ice cream, hot cocoa (made with milk), etc.). The importance of this experiment overall, is to be able to explain in accurate detail, the products in which Lactex® can be used with. Variables Identify the independent and dependent variables for each section of your lab as well as the controls.…show more content…
The dependent variable of section one was glucose levels. The control(s) in section one were adding the same amount of lactase to each milk. The independent variable in section two was different pH levels. The dependent variable in section two was the glucose levels. The control(s) in section two were adding the same amount of lactase to each pH substance and the dH2O pH level. The independent variable in section three was the different temperatures. The dependent variable in section three was the different amounts of relative glucose. The control(s) in section three were adding the same amount of lactase to each tube and the room temperature

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