Loneliness In Of Mice And Men

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Loneliness, it is everywhere, as life as well as in literature. The period of time known as The Great Depression was not only a lonely time for the main characters in John Steinbeck’s novel Of Mice and Men; George and Lennie, but also for many other citizens struggling to find work during this time of utter chaos and sorrow. Not only was loneliness shown through these three characters, but nearly through every character. Undoubtedly loneliness plays and important theme in the novel Of Mice and Men. One of the very first characters to show the theme of Soledad was George. Although George is traveling with Lennie through most of the book he still feels lonely. He cannot receive the type of relationship he needs during this time in his life.…show more content…
Curley sees her as property, hence why they never say her name and call her “Curley’s wife”. By doing this dehumanizes her and makes her feel like she doesn’t have anyone on the ranch she can relate to since she is the only women. The author was able t perceive her as a very flirtatious, sexual person, almost as a trap, but later she reveals to George and Lennie that she is just a very lonely person and wants someone to talk to. She says to Lennie “Why can’t I talk to you? I never get to talk to nobody. I get awfully lonely.”(Pg 86) They would say that she would ruin your life, just making people stay away from her even more, which in the end made her lonelier. She says how she only married Curley because she had nothing better to do and her mother said she couldn’t make it as an actress. When telling her story to Lennie she says “Well, I ain’t told nobody before. Maybe I ought’n to. I don’t like Curley. He ain’t a nice fella.” (Pg 89) not only does this show that she isn’t attracted to the person she is married to, but that she doesn’t like him as a person. This shows how lonely she actually is, that she is confiding in Lennie, who doesn’t even comprehend what she is talking about. Shown throughout various points in the novel, Curley’s wife is represented through
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