Loneliness In John Steinbeck's Of Mice And Men

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“ I like ketchup on my beans” ( Steinbeck page 3). The novel Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck is set in the 1930’s during the great impression on a ranch. Life is challenging and its hard for everyone, but in the novel, there were many characters with impairments that made life even more challenging. These impairments consist of being black in the 1930’s and having a crooked back, only having one hand and being old, having a mental disability, or being exceptionally lonely. Candy can only perform small tasks on the ranch because he is missing a hand and he is really old, Lennie cannot remember anything to save his life or survive without George. Crooks is black and has a crooked back, and Curley’s wife is extremely lonely and can’t talk to…show more content…
“ I ain’t no good with only one hand, but I could do small jobs like cooking, and do the dishes, and hoe the garden.” (Steinbeck page space). Candy stays back at the ranch when all the other guys go into town because he says he doesn’t have the energy to go with the guys. If Candy was younger than he wouldn’t have to stay back because chances are he would find some energy to go into town. Candy tells George that he will leave him and Lennie, his share if he kicks off. This signifies that Candy has been around a while or he wouldn’t have to mention leaving his share to George and Lennie. Candy is not the only character with an…show more content…
She is always wandering around the ranch looking for someone to talk to, and as soon as George and Lennie arrive at the bunkhouse she comes in and makes herself known to them. She is so desperate to talk to someone that when all the guys went into town that she went into the barn and talked to Crooks, Candy, and Lennie. “ They left all the weak ones here,” She said finally. ( Steinbeck page 68). She is so eager to talk to anybody that while all of the other guys are at the horseshoe tournament she is in the barn talking to Lennie a “ dum-dum”. not a person the would actually understand what she is talking about. In the novel Of Mice and Men many characters have impairments. Life is a hard journey for everyone but for a few characters in the novel life decided to throw a few extra obstacles in their way. Candy is old and only has one hand, Lennie has a mental disability. Crooks is black in the 1930’s and has a crooked back, and Curley’s wife is awfully lonely. Many characters were discussed in the reading above Candy the old Swamper who only has one hand. Crooks the black stable buck who got kicked by a mule and has a crooked back. Lennie who has a mental disability and can’t hardly remember anything. Curley’s wife is extremely lonely since she can only talk to Curley or she is going to get yelled at and then Curley would try to
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