Loneliness In Frankenstein

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Frankenstein by Mary Shelley is about a man that creates human life. The abandonment, unhappiness, and misunderstandment between the creature and the other characters causes a lot of suffering. Throughout the novel no one will give him a chance to show them that he is not harmful, despite his appearance. If Victor wouldn´t have turned him away from the very beginning he could have saved a lot of people from getting hurt. No one will give the creature a chance so he turns violent. As soon as the creature comes to life Victor is startled by his appearance, as well as everyone else in the novel. From the beginning the monster was abandoned by everyone. He didn't have friends or family. Victor was not the only one that turned him away. People…show more content…
He sees his reflection and immediately unsatisfied. ¨ ´… unable to believe that it was indeed I who was reflected in the mirror; and when I became fully convinced that I was in reality the monster that I am...´ ¨ (80) Since people thought of him being a monster he ultimately started to believe it himself. The monster was very depressed because he had no companion. ¨ ´… but I knew that I possessed no money, no friends, and no kind of property.´ ¨” (85) The monster is unhappy because of his appearance, and he had no one to talk to. Later on he asks Victor if he will create him a companion because he is so lonely. At first Victor beings to consider it, but then denies his request. ¨ ´My companion must be on the same species, and have the same defects.´ ¨ (104) When Victor tells him that he will not create another creature this puts him over the edge. He explains to Victor that he is going to be with him on his wedding day. This leads to Elizabeth being strangled, and Victor's father dying of grief. Victor refuses to create the monster a companion, so he ends up strangling…show more content…
He only acts out when he get upset with people. One thing that the monster does not realize is why Victor would construct such a horrible looking thing that not he can even stand to look at. ¨ ´Accursed creator! Why did you form a monster so hideous that even you turned from me in disgust.´ ¨ (104) Victor cannot even look at the monster he is so disgusted. The creature explains that he is interested in becoming a part of society. Just because his appearance people thought he was all bad, but actually he is willing to learn. One thing he is good at is observing. ¨ ´I examined the materials of the fire, and to my joy found it to be composed of food.´ ¨ (72) He also learns words by listening to the De Lacy family. ¨ ´I learned and applied the words ´fire´, ´milk´. ´bread´, and ´wood´. ¨ (78) The monster is willing to learn and try to become a part of society. Throughout the novel the creation performs good gestures. For example, he left wood at the De Lacy family´s door. ¨ ´… and brought home firing sufficient for the consumption of several day.´ ¨ (78) No matter how hard the monster tries to fit in he will never be accepted. If he had a couple of friends (and/or) family he might not created so much tragedy. The good gestures that the monster performs, but no one will be friends with
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