Essay About Eminem

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Trevor Noah ‘My country’ Trevor Noah is a South African comedian as well as tv host (The Daily Show). He is one of the most popular comedians in South Africa, if not the most. Trevor Noah is known for his satirical jokes that he has made about the government and issues in South Africa and now even America’s government since he is the Host of “The Daily Show.” Trevor Noah has impacted myself as well as the country by making fun of serious issues which is great for anyone that’s looking for a laugh since our country is in such a state in which we have to actually just laugh. He does it in a way in which people don’t seem to get offended, even though they are being made fun of which is a representation of how successful he has been in his…show more content…
He has worked his way up to be the face of Nike which allows him to influence his fans in that sense as well as positively influencing fans with charity works as he is a humble man. Words: 240 Eminem ‘My world’ Marshal Bruce Mathers III, better known as Eminem is a rapper, record producer and actor. He is arguably the greatest rapper of all time and is a rapper that can rap at tremendous speeds without stopping. Eminem came from a very harsh and violent background being bullied as a child living in Detroit but he took the biggest risk of his life by performing in an underground battle against black rappers as he was the only white rapper. Nowadays it is more acceptable but people still question the race and music genre mix which he definitely didn't believe in which is why he is my all time influencer. Eminem has had a large impact on mine and many other people’s lives as his music is vulgar but told a story about his childhood and how he had to deal with his issues which is very motivating and inspiring. He is one of those people that literally started from nothing to becoming a living legend in not just the rap game but life in general. He has won 15 grammys and been nominated for 31

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