Lisa Bellar Women's Liberation Poem Summary

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But, I Cannot Relate: Women's Liberation in the Twentieth Century Within the twentieth century, Australia's gender roles were radically revolutionised due to the tireless efforts of feminist icons (Smith). However, whilst many women were socially, politically and sexually liberated, lobbyists of the 90s criticised the movement's exclusion of women of colour (Burkett). This is evident as, modern feminist and Noonuccal poet, Lisa Bellear, reflects upon women's racially discriminate attitudes within her poem, "Women's Liberation." Throughout the piece, she explores the ramifications of feminist ideology on oppressed minority groups. Concluding that, superficial feminist interpretations and ingrained degradation, hinders the liberation of all Australian women.…show more content…
This is evident, as her hyperbolic tone implies that "the efforts of generations of feminists" (Smith) may have been trivial; in only achieving, "economic independence/... [and] choices of/ do I stay with my man [or] do I fall in love with other white middle class women" (Bellear 18-22). Furthermore, she identifies the ironic superficiality of "Volvo driving, part time women's studies students," (Bellear 40) due to their shallow interpretation of feminist doctrines. Whilst such attitudes enable them to "be free and wear dunlop tennis shoes," (25) it does not allow them to understand the plight of the "Koori women in Victoria"

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