Liquid Limit Lab Report

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Liquid limit is the water content at which the soil sample may have minimum shear strength that it comes to close a groove of standard width. The liquid limit is the maximum water content that the material may contain this amount of moisture and behave the soil as plastic in nature. More water causes it to become a thick liquid. A soil’s liquid limit is the water content at which it shows as a percentage of the mass of the dry soil at the border line between the liquid plastic states. This border line of states of soil is normally expressed by a standard test procedure. The test is performed by making groove in a soil sample in the cup of device. The LL is determined when the soil halves flow together to close a distance of 11mm when the cup of the device is dropped or jarred exactly 25 times from a height of 1 centimeter. The liquid limit is determined by taking more than three samples for moisture content. figure 3f.4- shows the liquid limit device .and table 3t.2 shows the calculation of liquid limit test. Figure 3f.5- shows the liquid limit graph. Figure 3f.4 TEST PROCEDURE • Take about 200 gram of the soil sample and sieve it through .425mm IS sieve and mixed this soil properly with clean water in a bowl to prepare a uniform…show more content…
The PL is the lowest water content that the material may contain for plastic behavior. If the moisture is less the soil sample behaves as brittle nature and breaks into small pieces if remolding of soil is done. as water content decreases below the PL, the soil mass shrinks and becomes stiffer. Figure 3f.6- shows the plastic limit device. And figure3f.7- shows the thread of soil. And table -3t.3 shows the calculation of plastic

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