Linda Garris Christian Understanding Families

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The article “Understanding Families” by Linda Garris Christian expresses six characteristics that apply to Family Systems Theory and to the environment provided by early childhood educators. Boundaries are a characteristic that may set limits as well as emphasizes togetherness. The article states that for some families the behavior of the child is a reflection of the whole family, defining this behavior as enmeshed. As a provider and early childhood educator, my experience was with a family that I would describe as enmeshed. The child was strongly tied to the family and their virtues and morals. The family consisted of a mother and father and brother, age 5 and sister, age 10. The family had lived in Rhode Island for two years,…show more content…
For a total of six years, I had the opportunity of providing care for a one family with three children. The eldest, Sara, and the middle child, Julia, until they were in first grade and the youngest one, Mason, who stayed until he was four. Over the period of the six years, I was able to visit with the family and attend some of the birthday parties and other functions. The middle child, Julia, had a diagnosis of ADD and a speech delay. Although she struggled with expressive language, she was the child who was always willing to help out. She did everything she could to help the teachers and the other children, very nurturing. She enjoyed this role as it gave her confidence. The act of playing, was not part of her daily…show more content…
At times in an extended family, it may be the matriarch who makes all the decisions. It could be the father or the male who is the decision and policy maker in the family. My encounter with hierarchy took place this past summer. As a family child care educator, we are able to service our families at times from infancy to kindergarten. The children make strong bonds and some carry out their friendships after they leave. I planned a reunion of sorts for my children who had left and those that would be leaving for kindergarten. With two assistants, we planned our trip to the playground and pizza and ice cream parlor as a celebration. Everyone was having a great time. The personalities of all of these children were different and one past child, in particular, was “taking charge”. He was a past student of mine and I had seen this behavior before, the children doing what he wanted. It was time for lunch and the children were hungry and thirsty. We called them to the picnic table and they all came running eagerly, except for one. Cristian was sulking because he did not want them to leave. He finally joined the rest after some coaxing, but he pulled his hat over his face. I decided to ignore the behavior. He wouldn’t eat or drink, I did not force him. One of my little guys was not feeling well, so I decided to take him for a walk in the shade and asked Cristian if he would like to

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