Summary: Canadianism Skit Group

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As the leader of our “Canadianism Skit” group, I was able to effectively demonstrate leadership, communication, and commitment which greatly contributed to the success of our project. First of all, I displayed effective, leadership interaction skills by considering responsibility for roles in our team. In order for their role to appropriately fit their personality and preference, I personally asked them what kind of role they would prefer. That means asking, “Would you like to be the main character and have more dialogues to say?” Or, “Would you rather have a supporting type of role?”. In our case, Roanne was our supporting cast. She guided the plot to the proper direction by being the narrator, flight attendant, and the Tim Horton’s employee. Without her small…show more content…
A group simply won’t work when the leader doesn’t trust or listen to other’s plans. I demonstrated this by listening and monitoring. Each of us shared various kinds of stories before finally deciding on one specific story we would play out. If I hadn’t been an effective listener, the story we initially agreed on would have probably been left out and ignored. Secondly, I achieved group goals by communicating and collaborating with the rest of my team members. How I achieved that was through public interactions and the use of social media. I motivated them to efficiently use the limited free time we had in English class. Within those time frames, we talked about what path the story will go, the dialogues we will say, the setting of the story, and much more. Added to that, we also decided who will mainly do certain tasks. As for me, I focused on writing the dialogue. Meanwhile, Ivan contributed to naming the characters, setting, etc. at the planning guide; Roanne planned about the direction of the story; and, Daphne thought about the appropriate props to bring. In short, we used our unique skills and abilities to our

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