Franklin Foer's How Soccer Explains The World

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Franklin Foer’s “[unlikely] theory of globalization” attempts to be illustrated throughout the entirety of How Soccer Explains the World written in a series of vignettes in which he accompanies his readers around the world to various soccer clubs. “The Sentimental Hooligan” is an interesting chapter where Franklin Foer focuses on the transformation in a soccer community, rather than merely focusing on the actions of the typical hooligan fans of a soccer club. Chelsea was noted as having the most destructive, loyal, and well-known “thugs” (Foer, 89) of the entire United Kingdom. Foer’s analysis of this transformation initiates with an interview with a Jewish man, Alan Garrison, who “boiled down the essential cultural argument against globalization” (Foer, 96) resulting from economical changes. Fraklin Foer associates this soccer club with other soccer clubs on a globalized level, however, solely focuses on the United Kingdom. There is a primary focus on economical changes, religious factors, along with political actions.…show more content…
During this period of increasing cosmopolitanism, foreign influences became more apparent. The concepts of globalization and gentrification go hand-in-hand in a city such as London, although Foer fails to illustrate globalization in this chapter. The transformations taken in the arena are perceived on a national level. By infiltrating economics and social encounters into his argument, soccer is portrayed as a cultural tool in the United Kingdom, along in every other country Foer

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