Reaction Paper About Heraclitus

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Heraclitus One of the more famous and perhaps the most enigmatic of the freezer cracks. Heraclitus was born in approximately 540 BC in the Greek city of Ephesus. Out of all the pre Socratic's , the ideas of heraclitus is so the most difficult to understand. Ancient philosophers struggled mightily and attempting to decipher his paradoxical aphorism and to subsequently nicknamed him “The Riddler” and “The Dark”. There's a story that when Scrates was asked what he thought about Heraclitus's book ,he replied “what I understood was fine and no doubt also what I didn't understand but its need to divert to get to the bottom of it.” It is likely that heraclitus intentionally shrouded his ideas in obscurity .Accodding to him, anything of value must…show more content…
However he declined his right to the throne passing it on to his brother.According to him, there is no value in governing the masses towards whom he held a strong aversion and instead decided to spend his life in the only search for truth and wisdom. A story notes that one day heraclitus was playing dice with children in the streets of Ephesus, and be wildered at his apparent immaturity some politicians asked him ,what he was doing, upon which he quipped “Why are…show more content…
This statement is not merely an observation about rivers but instead is symbolic of the nature of reality. The first century philosopher put Arctic spelled at this point “According to Heraclitus it is not possible to step into the same river twice, Nor lay hold twice have any mortal substance in one permanent state.” (Plutarch). The universe thought Heraclitus and everything in him is constantly in flux. Every object even though it may appear to our senses as being temporarily stable and permanent is in fact in constant motion, morphing and transforming itself into a different object each instant. Beside this idea he has profound consequences for philosophical thought “for a nothing remains the same for two instance,then knowledge up a sensible world is impossibility”. This means for even if one could obtain knowledge of something in one instant, a mere seconds later that thing will have changed rendering that knowledge obsolete. Along with the fact that if everything is in flux, it is impossible to arrive at any knowledge of

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