Legal Services Act 2007 Essay

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The Legal Services Act 2007 is an Act of Parliament of the United Kingdom that seeks to liberalise and regulate the market for legal services in England and Wales, to encourage more competition and to provide a new route for consumer complaints. The Act was introduced in November 2006 by Lord Falconer Secretary of State for Constitutional Affairs, the Act received Royal Assent on 30 October 2007 and commenced on 7 March 2008. The Act has changed the way in which legal services are regulated in England and Wales. The aim of the Legal Services Act was to simplify and improve the regulation of legal service provision in England and Wales and also to create a framework for legal services to be provided. The act allows lawyers and non-lawyers to form businesses together and also permits…show more content…
The ALCD applied for Authorised Body status i.e. the right to grant rights of audience and the right to conduct litigation as set out in the Courts and Legal Services Act 1990. The Association of Costs Lawyers is the representative body for Costs Lawyers and under the Legal Services Act 2007 the ACL was appointed as a statutory authorised regulator. This was seen as significant recognition for Costs Lawyers because they had achieved statutory regulation in line with more established legal professions. Findings In October 2011 the Costs Lawyers Standards Board (CLSB) was formed and in compliance with its requirements with the Legal Services Act 2007, the ACL delegated its regulatory work to the CLSB. The work of the CLSB is overseen by the Legal Services Board to ensure all regulatory provisions are met under the Legal Services Act 2007 and other prevailing legislation. All qualified Costs Lawyers are authorised and regulated by the CLSB. Costs Draftsmen are not and may not have any legal

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