Lease Agreement Case Study

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NIRMA UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF LAW TRANSFER OF PROPERTY ACT: RIGHTS AND LIABILITIES OF LESSEE Submitted By:- Saumitra Bhadauria 10BAL070 Sem VIII ACKNOWLEDGEMENT As a student of B.A.LL.B. (Hons.) Of Institute Of Law of Nirma University I had to undergo for a Project Work assigned by Dr. Rachna Chaudhary. The project work was done under the guidance of Dr. Rachna Chaudhary. I want to thank her for every possible help rendered to me in this project. TABLE OF CONTENTS Sr. No. Particulars Pg. No. 1 Introduction 4 2 Rights & Liabilities of Lessee 6 3 D.Gupta vs. Gobind Bangur 8 4 Expiration of the Rights & Duties of Lessee 9 5 Conclusion 10 6 Bibliography 11 INTRODUTION A Lease agreement is a…show more content…
The suit was filed by the plaintiff (landlord) for the eviction of the tenant from the location on numerous grounds such as – i. Causing nuisance and annoyance to the plaintiffs and the other occupants of the said premises and ii. For the violation of Clauses (m), (O), (p) of Section 108 of the Transfer of Property Act. The appellant had illegally and without any authority removed an uneven tin-sheet roof of the kitchen and store space and switched it by some cement concrete slabs and had changed the tin-shade roof of the kitchen and store space into a permanent concrete roof. The defendant had stated that the uneven shade required replacement as it was worn out and proving to be a difficulty in residing in the place. The defendant had further claimed that the he repeatedly requested the landlord to repair or replace the said worn out corrugated tin-shade and to alter the rent receipt accordingly. The defendant further repeated that the defendant did not cause any addition or alteration in the suit premises in violation of any of the provisions contained in Clauses (m), (o), (p) of Section 108 of the Transfer of Property

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