Lean Manufacturing Principles

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Implementing Lean Manufacturing Principles in a Manufacturing Environment Name : Sohil Kulkarni Roll No : 1528128 Section : N Author : Rogstad , Rodney S. Title : Implementing Lean Manufacturing Principles in a Manufacturing Environment. Research Adviser: James Keyes, Ph.D. Month/Year: December, 2010 Style Manual Used: American Psychological Association, 6th edition. Introduction and Structure of the paper : The article “Implementing Lean Manufacturing Principles in a Manufacturing Environment” by Rodney (2010) mainly discussed about using lean manufacturing to build better ,cheaper and faster products and also to gain a competitive edge . This paper covers the use of lean manufacturing principles like…show more content…
Research Methodology Used : First this study analysed the current manufacturing process. After this an implementation plan was developed to implement lean manufacturing principles to support one piece flow. The plan was executed and the results showed improved productivity and resulted in a reduction in WIP. The objective of the study was to evaluate the potential opportunity to develop a process that incorporates lean manufacturing principles into an existing product assembly line and to evaluate the effectiveness of the implementation. Current Assembly and Close-Up Process Opportunities for improvement in the assembly process for one piece flow such as improved assembly techniques, improved assembly tools, improved material location along with ergonomically correct work stations were analyzed. The current assembly process of the assembly line through close-up was evaluated through the use of time studies of each assembly process. Areas for ergonomic improvements to eliminate wasted movement, which helped reduce cycle time within the process, was…show more content…
Through the use of Kaizen events, the team was able to make the changes required to improve the assembly line and close-up area. Members of the Kaizen team were assigned a production station to record the times of each operator. Each time study was documented and this data was then evaluated by comparing the times of each production process using batch manufacturing and one-piece flow. By comparing the data, Company X was able to take the reduction in time for each process using one-piece flow as opposed to batch manufacturing, and convert that time into a cost savings per medical device. With the time standards captured for one-piece flow, each workstation was adjusted to equal time to improve line efficiency and eliminate work-in-process build-up within the production

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