Leadership Style Continuum

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Leadership is the act of being a leader. An example of leadership is when the roles and responsibilities of a leader are put into action. Notably, “…effective leadership is not a solo task—it requires competent and responsible followers” (Engleberg & Wynn, p. 17), which is a quality that many tend to overlook when working in a group. If a leader does not have anyone to follow, then there is no point in having a leader. Moreover, the group has to work together, as a team, to effectively succeed. In class, I defined leadership as, “Taking the leader role and fully embracing the responsibilities and duties.” Furthermore, in the above prompt, I simplified the definition that I gave in class for leadership. Surprisingly, I have exhibited all three styles of leadership that are explained in, The Leadership Style Continuum, in my experience with leading various groups (Engleberg & Wynn, p. 107). I have lead several groups that have been successful at accomplishing the specific goals for the group. The following explains several situations that I have learned from while being a group leader.…show more content…
107). I have successfully lead a group by being an autocratic leader, which can also feel like a kindergarten teacher. Likewise, group members need to each have assigned roles within their group, so there is no confusion. But, in my experience as an autocratic leader, the members seem to spontaneously begin to act like kindergarteners, not knowing who to communicate with or what to do to help their group. In sum, when portraying characteristics of an autocratic leader, I learned that I do not have to be in complete control of the group. The purpose of a group is to work together, not have the leader take on all, or most, of the

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