Deterioration In Cry The Beloved Country

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The Sicknesses of Cities and Healing Abilities of Nature in Cry, the Beloved Country In the world of South Africa, deterioration can refer to illnesses, corruption and poverty in a broken system, or mental sicknesses and moral changes. Such deterioration magnify in cities, like Johannesburg. Some people say nature can heal the wounds and eases the soul of mental sicknesses. Those who travel into a city will experience the amplified deterioration. Alan Paton utilizes anaphora in Cry, The Beloved Country in order to reveal how living in a city can amplify the physical and mental deterioration of the people. South Africa once had grassy hills, lush valleys, and happy people, but concern for the land and the country now arises. Paton utilizes anaphora to reinforce the importance and serious damage of the land: Cry for the broken tribe, for the laws and the custom that is gone. Aye, and cry aloud for the man who is dead, for the woman and children bereaved. Cry, the beloved country, these things are not yet at an end. The sun pours down on the Earth, on the lovely land that man cannot enjoy. He knows only the fear of his heart. (Paton 104, 105)…show more content…
In order to reinforce the significance, he repeats his words over and over. Cry not only for the broken tribe, but cry also for the country, cry for the land man cannot have. The new cities force individuals to immigrant out of their own homes, destroying the land and customs. Paton believes individuals should cry for the loss of what they have had. Anaphora allows for a larger, more significant feeling to a certain word, and Paton employs anaphora to present the emotion behind a few words, which introduces a sense of raw emotion to display the deterioration of the

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