Langston Hughes Influence On The Harlem Renaissance

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During the 1920s, Langston Hughes became more notable in the literary world. He majorly influenced the Harlem Renaissance. Because of his rising fame, people be criticize him more often as good and bad. “Du Bose Heyward wrote in the New York Herald Tribune in 1926: "Langston Hughes, although only twenty-four years old, is already conspicuous in the group of Negro intellectuals who are dignifying Harlem with a genuine art life. It is, however, as an individual poet, not as a member of a new and interesting literary group, or as a spokesman for a race that Langston Hughes must stand or fall” (Poetry Foundation). His career and rise in fame were steadily paced and was worth watching. However, not everyone agreed, “Laurence Lieberman recognized that Hughes's…show more content…
In the late 20th century, blacks fought for their equal rights in their society. They fought to abolish racism. However, racism is still alive and well in our society. Laughton Hughes was trying to change the minds of his fellow blacks, trying to see that they can be proud of their skin color in who they are, he empowered his people through his works. “Much of his work celebrated the beauty and dignity and Humanity of black Americans. Unlike other writers Hughes basked in the glow of the obviously high regard of his primary audience, African Americans. His poetry, with its original jazz and blues influence and its powerful democratic commitment, is almost certainly the most influential written by any person of African descent in this century. Certain of his poems; "Mother to Son" are virtual anthems of black American life and aspiration” (Smith). Even though most of Hughe’s life was before the major civil rights movement, it can be said that he was a catalyst to fight for equality. He did not let anyone and especially not his skin color make him inferior to help influence
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