George Washington's Farewell Address Candle Stand

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George Washington’s name does not need any introduction in the world of United States of America. The founding father of United States, George Washington was undoubtedly the most admired man in the history of US. He was the Commander in-chief of the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War. Under his commandment, the American army embraced victory and made General Cornwallis’s army surrender. Being the most virtuous man in his era, he was elected as the first president of United States of America. Since George Washington holds much significance in the history of U.S, I decided to pick up four objects from Washington’s life to discuss in this paper. For this reason, I chose National American History Museum in Smithsonian Museum.…show more content…
The museum has reserved this historic piece to inform public about the whereabouts of this object. George Washington wrote his momentous farewell speech under the light of this candle stand. As told by the museum tour guide, the history of this candle stand dates back to fathers of George Washington who also used to write under this candle stand. The candle stand positions with overall measurements of 22 in x 11.5 in; 55.88 cm x 29.21 cm and a base of 5.11/16 in. The tour guide informed me about the functioning of the candle stand. The candle stand is made up of brass. The reflector is made up of silk and the back of reflector is green in color. The reflector enlarges the light of the candles in customizable candle stands. It was George Washington’s family tradition to write important documents under the light of the candle stand. Washington, too, penned down his final advice to his men under this candle stand. The candle stand was sold to the government of United States by the Lewis family in 1878. Later on, in 1883, it was transferred to the Smithsonian Museum. Written in 1796, George Washington’s farewell address is a remarkable letter from Washington to the people of United States. Significantly, the candle stand is a memorable object in the light of history. I believe the museum displayed this object quite outstandingly, while the details and eloquent information was provided by the tour guide as

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