Lady Macbeth Research Paper

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Macbeth: Who led to his downfall? Priya Does the path of greed and voracity lead to a man’s downfall? If so, who does this greediness come from? William Shakespeare’s famous Macbeth presents a character who first, misunderstands a prophecy and is confused. But after being influenced by his controlling, malevolent wife, Lady Macbeth, Macbeth turns from a moral captain to a lord driven by avarice for the throne. With the quality of conflict, all three women, the witches, Lady Macbeth, and Lady Macduff, use their feminine skills of manipulating human nature and take down Macbeth. The spark that creates Macbeth’s murder rampage is the witches’ prophecy and it ultimately leads Macbeth to his downfall. The witches utter a key phrase, “Fair…show more content…
The lady believes her husband has left her and dismisses Ross’ warning that “cruel are the times” or someone may try to kill him. She takes this as a disgrace and exclaims that her children cannot live without a father. Unlike the women of the time setting, she is angry, not scared or sorrow. Her son mentions “you’ll buy ’em [husbands] to sell them” as she says that she can buy “twenty at any market”. - She and her son imply that Lady Macduff could manipulate twenty men and that a husband means nothing to her. The son also mentions, “if he were dead, you’d weep for him. If you would not, it were a good sign that I should quickly have a new father.” This truly highlights her abilities of deceiving human nature and contradiction with gender identity. Though warned again by a messenger, she scoffs and demands to why Macduff would leave if Scotland is at war. Soon after, she and her son are killed by the murderers and Macduff hears of the news. “My children too?” he exclaims. Ross responds “Wife, children servants all that could be found”. “My wife too?” he asks. As demonstrated, Macduff cares for his family and is so astonished that he, embodied in misery, questions Ross about his wife though the lord had already mentioned her death when asked about the children. However, Malcolm suggests with insensitivity, “Be comforted. Let’s make…show more content…
Like a fable, Macbeth presents many morals one of which is that words and choices of one individual can affect another peer. In economics, this would be called the invisible hand working on the chain of agreements, but simply put - this is what makes up each person’s life. Sometimes acknowledging words of advice can lead to success, yet becoming absorbed without a moral consciousness can become deadly. Both dying literally, like Macbeth, or just to the extent of damaging a reputation or career can change the course of life from a wealthy investor to one who is broke and unable to pay his rent. Never underestimate someone’s potential is a perfect phrase to prove to a reader in the time setting of all three women, who breach social feminine standards and are able to control nature’s course. On the other hand, men are unable to manipulate each other’s nature so similar to Macbeth, they resort to killing. However, the main character is unable to avoid their process of trickery as he does not reason the contradictory statements he hears from his wife and the witches, giving them the upper hand of authority of his understanding. In conclusion, “Think before you speak and “put yourself in the other person’s shoes” are both pieces of advice that should be followed and will aid you to a world of success, but having a second thought and

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